The Obama Administration’s latest new immigration law could benefit many immigrants.
Effective June 15th, 2012, President Obama’s new immigration law will do two things for young immigrants: prevent deportation and grant work permits.
The Obama Administration decided it was time to address the needs of thousands of struggling, young immigrants. Many of these immigrants were brought the United States at a young age and have significant ties to this country – some have lived here since they were children and only speak English. The new law is meant to provide these immigrants with a solution that would prevent them from being deported and would also allow them to work legally in the U.S.
The law is tailored for immigrants who are currently under the age of 30. The immigrant must prove that he is not a threat to the country. Good moral character will also be taken into account. This means that if the immigrant has a history of crime or criminal offenses, he may be denied under this new law.
The new law is meant for young immigrants who came to the U.S. under the age of 16. As minors, these immigrants had no choice in coming to this country. Now that they are here, they should be allowed to stay and get work legally.
Finally, the last requirements under this law are that the immigrant is currently in school or has graduated from high school. If you have received some form of a G.E.D., then that would be acceptable as well. You must also have been living in the U.S. since 2007. If you left at any time within the past 5 years or are currently NOT in the U.S., then you might not be eligible to apply under this law.
Even though you meet these minimum requirements, you may not be eligible for the benefits of this new law. For example, documents must be submitted as proof or evidence that you meet the requirements. If you fail to provide the government with proper documents, your case may be denied.
Furthermore, there may be more requirements for specific cases. A certain criminal offense might still mean that you are eligible for some protection under this law, while other offenses will bar you from benefits altogether.
For these reasons, it is important to discuss your options with a specialized immigration lawyer. Contact Attorney Phillip Kim for more information about Obama’s new law and how it will affect you.
Phillip Kim, esq.
Phillip Kim Law Center
Fresno Office
(559) 448-8500
San Diego Office
(619) 752-5379