Tag Archive Afl Cio

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Views on the News – 9/19/09

Last week we were treated to “All Barack, All the Time,” and it seems he is “Stuck on Stupid,” since he seems incapable of listening to criticism. Time and again, this President has shown himself a pedestrian thinker unable to move himself, much less anyone else, beyond partisan politics. First we were treated to A Very Special talk to students by the president, A Very Special appearance before the AFL-CIO and A Very Special address to Congress on health care, to be followed by A Very Special

ByImmigration News

Taking the Next Steps to Build Strength Through Diversity

UMWA President Cecil Roberts said the resolution on diversity is ‘about the labor movement. When we open doors, we build for the future.’ The diversity of the union movement is its strength. Building on the success of the historic Resolution 2 passed in 2005, the AFL-CIO Convention adopted a far-ranging policy to create more inclusive unions and a more diverse leadership. The resolutions, “A Diverse and Democratic Labor Movement” and “Unions Should Give P