Mathematical Approach to Immigration Reform Predictions

ByPhillip Kim

Mathematical Approach to Immigration Reform Predictions

Tom Wong, an assistance professor at UC San Diego who grew up being an illegal immigrant, formulates statistics to predict how many “yes” and “no” there will be from Congress regarding the immigration reform bill. To read more about his predictions, please read Cindy Chang’s article below:

Immigration Reform Predictions Are Mathematical and Personal

Tom Wong sat in the parking lot of a San Diego McDonald’s, scarfing a double cheeseburger and listening to the Senate’s roll-call vote on immigration as it live-streamed over his iPhone.

Landrieu, aye. Leahy, aye. Lee, no.

Just as he had predicted.

Finally, the 100th name: Wyden, aye. Relieved and smiling broadly, he called his wife with the good news. Not only had the bill passed, but his statistical models had worked nearly perfectly. He was right about all but a few senators.

As the immigration battle shifts to the House, word has spread among activists that Wong might be the Nate Silver of immigration reform — the go-to data geek with the crystal ball.

But Wong doesn’t just want to predict the future. He also wants to change it, by giving immigrant-rights advocates the statistical ammunition they need to influence lawmakers.

Click here to continue reading the article from LA Times.

About the author

Phillip Kim administrator