Tag Archive White House

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Congress this Week Oct 24, 2009

Rather eventful week with many things to distract from what ought to be priority and the fighting going on from the White House. It appears the White House are a bunch of thin skinned yellow lilly cry babies. If find that looking at this list knowing that we have serious issues in this country that the issues before Congress and the White House are not the priorities they should be concentrating on. Nature, Climate, Global Warming or Cooling or whatever you want to call is all those bil

ByImmigration News

Obama Attending First US-Canada-Mexico Summit

WASHINGTON – When President Barack Obama visited Mexico in April, the now-global swine flu epidemic — unbeknownst to the White House — had just begun there and an Obama aide returned home sick. What could have become a diplomatic downer, however, ultimately turned into a bright spot. Obama was never in danger, the aide and his family recovered, and the two nations cooperated extensively on the flu outbreak through the spring and beyond. The United States earned huge points with its southern neig

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« Previous PostBeer Branding At The White House Next Post »Boehner’s Summer Plans Lou Dobbs: Public Embarrassment Posted by Joe KleinWednesday, July 29, 2009 at 1:39 pm 49 Comments • Trackback (0) • Related Topics: Barack Obama birth certificate, CNN, Lou Dobbs Lou Dobbs continues to make a fool of himself, of CNN and of Time Warner, which owns this blog and pays my salary. When Jim DeMint, the oh-so-conservative Senator from South Carolina, says that the Obama birth certificate isn’t an i