Tag Archive Naturalization Ceremony

ByPhillip Kim

Are you eligible to apply for naturalization?

Before you apply for naturalization, you must meet a few requirements.
Depending on your situation, there are different requirements that may apply to you.
However, generally, an applicant for naturalization must:

• Be a lawful permanent resident (have a “green card”).
• Demonstrate continuous permanent residence in the United States for at least 5 years.
(In some cases, this may be 3 years if you are married to a U.S. citizen.)
• Show that you have been physically present in the United States for 30 months.
(In some cases, this may be 18 months if you are married to a U.S. citizen.)
• Show that you have lived for at least 3 months in the state or USCIS district where you claim residence.
Before applying for naturalization please keep in mind that if you have a parent that was a U.S. citizen, either by birth or naturalization, before you turned 18 years old, you may have a claim to citizenship.
These are general guidelines that do not apply to every applicant. For more information on these requirements, please visit :
Fresno Immigration Attorney Phillip Kim
(559) 761-9742

Do you support the principles and ideals of the U.S. Constitution and
are you willing to swear an oath to the United States?

You must be willing to support and defend the United States and its Constitution.
You declare your “attachment” or loyalty to the United States and the Constitution when you take the Oath of Allegiance at your naturalization ceremony.
You become a U.S. citizen after you take the Oath of Allegiance.

Are you a man between the ages of 18 and 26?

If you are a man between the ages of 18 and 26, you must register for the Selective Service and provide proof of your registration to USCIS. If you are 26 or older but under the age of 31, you must provide proof that you registered with the Selective Service when you were required to do so.
If you were required to register and did not, you must bring to your interview both a written statement explaining why you did not register and a letter from the Selective Service System indicating your status. For more information, Please Contact:
Fresno Immigration Attorney Phillip Kim
(559) 761-9742

Have you ever been married, divorced, widowed, or had your name legally changed?

If yes, bring a copy of your marriage certificate, your divorce or annulment decree, or the death certificate of your former spouse. If you changed your name through a court, bring a copy of the court decree that legally changed your name. Also, if your current spouse was married before, bring evidence of the termination of your spouse’s prior marriage(s). Failing to show proof of your current marital status or legal name may delay your case.

This fact sheet attempts to simplify the naturalization eligibility requirements and list of documents that can be asked for during the naturalization interview. This fact sheet references the most commonly used documents, but is not an all-inclusive list. A USCIS Officer may ask for additional information and documents
that are not included in this fact sheet. For additional information on applying for naturalization, Please Contact:
Fresno Immigration Attorney Phillip Kim
(559) 761-9742