MORRISTOWN — They came to the United States as infants or young children when their parents entered the county illegally. They went to American public schools and now want to complete their education.
MORRISTOWN — They came to the United States as infants or young children when their parents entered the county illegally. They went to American public schools and now want to complete their education.
MORRISTOWN — They came to the United States as infants or young children when their parents entered the county illegally. They went to American public schools and now want to complete their education.
Now that the Obama administration has jammed a trillion-dollar health care reform plan through Congress, it won’t be long before immigration reform is back on the national agenda. Beware, however, because “comprehensive immigration reform” means conditional amnesty for more than 10 million illegal immigrants. Immigration reform is an issue with major implications for Nevada because Hispanics …
Interesting : In advance of President Obama’s and the Democrats’ coming push for immigration reform, support for so-called comprehensive reform that would include a path to citizenship for many illegal immigrants already in the United States is building among a surprising constituency: conservative religious activists. The effort includes not only socially conservative groups that have partnered with Democrats on other issues in the past—like the National Association of Evangelicals and the